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Yili Machinery Co.

  • 사업 유형:  Manufacturing
  • 확립 된 년:   1992
  • 직원 수:   100+
  • 웹 사이트:   www.yilihz.com.cn
  • China [회원 가입일  2007]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

  • Since the beginning of 1990s, the company has developed plastics machines above 100 specifications, mainly including bellows production line, big-mouth PVC water & waste excluding production line, PE big-mouth gas, water supply or excluding production line, panel production line, granule production line, clubs pipe production line, PP-R pipe production line, plastics extruder, high speed mixer, mixer units and various plastic auxiliary machines, which are sold to USA, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Iran, etc. We successfully developed big-mouth hollow wiring production line in 2002 and will applied for several national patents.
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. wang zhishan (Marketing Manager/Director)
    • 주소 
      YANJIAN ROAD, jiangjiagang, China
    • 지퍼 215624
    • 전화 86-512-58530316
    • 팩스 86-512-58570805
    • 모바일 86-13812988018
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