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Tianjin Certess Surface Treament Co.ltd

  • 사업 유형:  Manufacturing
  • 확립 된 년:   2007
  • 직원 수:   11-15
  • China [회원 가입일  2009]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

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Typical application: household electrical appliance industry, aluminium, aluminium curtain wall processing, auto parts, metal processing industry, automobile, motorcycle, bicycle wheels, electronic components industry. Aluminum alloy electrical parts in leather requests and aluminum alloy, golden membrane layer, excellent corrosion resistance, good adhesion with paint. Simple operation, long service life and low cost, adsorption ability, and can be used for the ground before spraying. Strong adhesion strength, improve the coating, coating with electrical conductivity. Oxidation film uniformity, corrosion resistance, salt fog test can reach 100 hours. But instead of general purpose of sulfuric acid anodic oxidation film. A good coating can bring? 1 higher hardness 2. Better abrasion resistance 3 extremely low friction coefficient 4 to prevent corrosion 5. Excellent anti adhesion properties 6. Excellent resistance to high temperature oxidation resistance 7. To improve the quality of the part 8. Doubled workpiece life 9. Reduce non-productive maintenance time The direct to reduce the production cost 3, hot stamping, and thermal processing, screen printing machinery parts and services, heat Specializing in the production of plastic, wood, thermal membrane surface printing film, high wear-resisting printing film, local aluminized film, laser printing film printing, the skin. Thermal membrane is widely applied in various plastic products (ABS, PS, PC, AS, PP, PE, PVC, etc.) PVC profiled materials, decoration, and treated wood, bamboo and a coating of metal surface and surface. Can you adapt to all kinds of products tailored, the thermal membrane. The product through the heat-transfer machine heating, pressure will be printed in the membrane of the carrier and perfect printing YuChengYin surfaces, graphic design, printing, high precision, stereo sense is strong, rich administrative levels, gorgeous colour, surface smooth, high gloss, adhesion, wear-resisting, operation process is simple good weathering resistance, high gloss, pollution-free, clear, accurate and adjustment, non-toxic and colourful after stamping injection can sandblasting, second injection, bending and shear etc. After processing. Especially the aluminium, laser film etc, and can improve the commodity grades and value-added products, expand the market and improve competitiveness. Typical application: electrical appliances, stationery, cosmetics, toy, daily necessities, building decoration, pharmaceutical and other industries. Contact manager liang: welcome to inquire, may provide all may satisfy your requirement of service! Mobile phones: 132-99996026 Fax: 022-26618053 Address: tianjin, hebei district ChongGuang road electrical industrial ZhangGuWo xiqing offices: the man in the north of journalistic essien cheung # 6 Shanghai offices: 150-00808026 E-mail: ***** If that give up this letter, please pay colleague friend! Theelection
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. Liang wenjian (CEO)
    • 회사  Tianjin Certess Surface Treament Co.Ltd
    • 주소 
      congguangroad 6#, Tianjin city, China
    • 지퍼 300250
    • 전화 86-22-26618053
    • 팩스 86-22-6618053
    • 모바일 86-13299996026