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Sima Gida -bametgida-egecanet

  • 사업 유형:  Manufacturing
  • 확립 된 년:   1975
  • 직원 수:   26-50
  • Turkey [회원 가입일  2007]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

  • Our Company Megu Shoes is established in Izmir/Turkey which is one biggest center of manufacturing of Leather shoes Adress: Anafartalar st. no147/24 kemeralti-Izmir/TURKEY Tel:00902324820701 Fax:00902324894116 Mobile:00905053949171 Establisment Date:1975 Mumber of the Employees: 40 We do business worldwide Manufacturer capability:5000 Leather shoes for woman per monht Production:Leather Shoes Total :2.0000.000 dollars Sizes of the factory, productions and warehousefacilities:2000m. Showroom tel:00902324360660
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. Metin SOZER (Manufacturing/Production/Operations)
    • 회사  Sima gida -bametgida-Egecanet
    • 주소 
      Torbali, TURKEY, Turkey
    • 지퍼 35000
    • 전화 90-232-2646630
    • 팩스 90-232-2646630
    • 모바일 0090-5053949171
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