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Sampiyon Filter And Industrial Inc.

  • 사업 유형:  Manufacturing
  • 확립 된 년:   1984
  • 직원 수:   100+
  • 웹 사이트:   www.sampiyonfilter.com.tr
  • Turkey [회원 가입일  2006]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

  • Our company is one of the leading filter manufacturing plants located in Turkey. Our production scope is to produce oil, fuel, air and hydraulic filters for passenger, heavy duty, agricultural and off road earth moving machines with its high tech machineries since 1984. International experience of 21 years in the market has made us export our products over 50 countries worldwide. Our export department is located in Istanbul, where smaller stock is also available for faster operation. Our R&D team is doing its best to increase up our current production range from 2000 sorts of filters to your satisfactory level. Moreover, We are one of the largest private labeling filter suppliers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. To view this variety, Sampiyon catalogue over electronic data is available to download from internet which is being updated continually. Our company is ISO 9001-2002 approved and has also attained the coveted ISO 16949. It is our company's motto to be the non-comparable filter manufacturer in all means; Quality, price, reliability are only some of them. We are looking forward to hear from you soon for continuity of our valuable business relationship. We are at your disposal for all your request, inquiries and question. Sincerely, Sampiyon Filter and Industrial Inc.
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. Hakan Uysal (Manufacturing/Production/Operations)
    • 회사  Sampiyon Filter and Industrial Inc.
    • 주소 
      Nato CAD. No 5 Seyrantepe, 4. Levent, Turkey
    • 지퍼 80670
    • 전화 90-212-3247136
    • 팩스 90-212-3247139
    • 모바일 90-5448322145