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Reign Power Co., Ltd

  • 사업 유형:  Manufacturing
  • 확립 된 년:   1990
  • 직원 수:   100+
  • 웹 사이트:   www.switching-powers.com
  • Taiwan [회원 가입일  2008]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

  • In March 1990, a group of professional engineers and a sales team started Reign Power Co., Ltd. Since then, Reign Power has focused on the inventory of switching power supplies, coupled with state-of-the-art technology to ensure customers' satisfaction and to generate greater market recognition. With the increase in market demand and continuous supply, Reign Power has over 1000 power supply models between 3 Watts to 1500 Watts. To meet the objective of lowering cost and uninterrupted supply, Reign Power has started another office in mainland China (Su Zhou Branch), in June 2005, establishes Reign Power Technology (Shen Zhen) Co., Ltd. In additional of all, the RoHS has put on production line, and import in December 2005. Customers' satisfaction is the key objective of Reign Power ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Reign Power Co., Ltd --- Agent Wanted Reign Power Co., Ltd founded in March 1990, we're specialized in Switching Power Supply, Din Rail Power Supply, Enclosure Power Supply, Open Frame Power Supply and Lead-Acid Battery Charger etc, industrial power supply, which used in automation control, telecom communication system, printer, ATM, LED display panel and projector power supplies for more than hundred of power suppliers. In order to satisfy your marketing, Reign Power keep design and develop the power supply. Now, to extend the selling marketing, we sincerely welcom you to join us. Reign Power product advantage: 1 Product reasonableness 2. Patent 3. Easy Mount 4. Small size and light weigh, save more cost of freight 5. Warranty 6. RoHS processing 7. accept OEM/ ODM. If interested, please feel free to contact us directly, we will provide the details for you soon. URL: TW: xxxxx CN: xxxxx US: xxxxx
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. Jason Mia (Sales)
    • 회사  Reign Power Co., Ltd
    • 주소 
      8F-7 No. 22 Wu Chuan 2 Rd. Hsine Chuang, Taiwan
    • 지퍼 242
    • 전화 886-02-22997550
    • 팩스 886-02-22997596