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  • 사업 유형:  Exporters
  • 확립 된 년:   2008
  • 직원 수:   1-5
  • Thailand [회원 가입일  2008]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

    We are Personnel based in Meung , Thailand. We are member of Tradekey.com since August, 2008. Our business is related to Minerals & Metallurgy industry and we specifically deal in Brass&copper. Please find our product details below: Brass, Copper and Aluminium Dear Sir, My name is Lukate , working in metals in Thailand. I have some quantities of new or used&wasted scrap recycle Brass, Copper and Aluminium with the interesting price. For example B1) Brass Brass Bar 7.5 $ per kilo C1) Copper Used Wire Copper 95 % upper 10$ per kilo Pipe Copper:depends on sizes (1/4 - 3 inchs) and thickness ; Price is around 10-600$ A1) Aluminium Aluminium Bar 90 % upper : 3.6 $ per kilo If you would like to buy some others metals please specify the qualification and I will provide you the quotation. My number is 66 85 9200377 E-mail : *****, ***** Thanks & regards, Lukate Brass, Copper and Aluminium Dear Sir, My name is Lukate , working in metals in Thailand. I have some quantities of new or used&wasted scrap recycle Brass, Copper and Aluminium with the interesting price. For example B1) Brass Brass Bar 7.5 $ per kilo C1) Copper Used Wire Copper 95 % upper 10$ per kilo Pipe Copper:depends on sizes (1/4 - 3 inchs) and thickness ; Price is around 10-600$ A1) Aluminium Aluminium Bar 90 % upper : 3.6 $ per kilo If you would like to buy some others metals please specify the qualification and I will provide you the quotation. My number is 66 85 9200377 E-mail : *****, ***** Thanks & regards, Lukate Thank you for taking the time to go through our business profile. If there are any question, inquiry or comments, please feel free to contact us.
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. rat tanpao (Other)
    • 회사  Personnel
    • 주소 
      Rama2, Bangkok, Thailand
    • 지퍼 10150
    • 전화 66-085-9200377
    • 팩스 66-02-8706778
    더 제품을 부터 이 공급 업체