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Naturalin Bio-resource Co., Ltd

  • 사업 유형:  Manufacturing
  • 확립 된 년:   2005
  • 직원 수:   51-100
  • 웹 사이트:   http://www.naturalinbio.com
  • China [회원 가입일  2008]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

  • We are professional in Chinese Tea and Botanical Extract industry. Naturalin Bio-resources Co., Ltd is a manufacturer, professional planning provider and supporter in Chinese tea leaf and botanical/herbal extracts business scope with 10 years experience in China. We are located in Changsha High New Technology Developing Zone, a biological high-tech enterprise with independent lmp & Exp statue specialized in botanical extracts and Chinese Teas. Our annual Chinese Tea leaf and Botanical Extracts output is 300-400 Tons with competitive products: Chinese Tea Leaf Series, Tea Extracts Series, Andrographolide extract, Articoke extract, Astragalus extract Fu tea extract, Mother wort extract, Mulberry leaf extract, Oliver leaf extract, Aloe vera extract, Billbery extract, Bitter melon extract, Chamomle extract, Saw palmetto extract, St. john wort extract, Tribulus Terrestrisa extract, Yohimbine extract, Grape Seed and Skin Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Ginger Root Extact, Rhodiola P. E, Red Clover Extract, etc.
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Ms. tina ting (Sales)
    • 회사  Naturalin bio-resource co., ltd
    • 주소 
      A2002,98 time pioneer, sifangping, Hunan, China
    • 지퍼 410003
    • 전화 86-731-4834151
    • 팩스 86-731-4834162
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