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Mckesson House Polish Pottery, Llc

  • 사업 유형:  Distributors/Wholesalers
  • 확립 된 년:   2002
  • 직원 수:   1-5
  • 웹 사이트:   mckessonhousepolishpottery.com and mckessonhouseonline.com
  • USA [회원 가입일  2009]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

  • We are a large importer of hand painted pottery from Boleslawiec, Poland. Each piece is skillfully decorated by the artist's hand, and is not just beautiful - it is meant to be used every single day. All pottery is lead and cadmium free, and safe for use in the oven, dishwasher and microwave. We have hundreds of form and pattern combinations from which to choose, including place settings, bakeware, serving bowls, platters, teapots, utensils and countless other accessories and collectibles. We offer very competitive wholesale prices. Please contact us for further information
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. Heather Jenkins (Owner/Entrepreneur)
    • 회사  McKesson House Polish Pottery, LLC
    • 주소 
      204 East Main Street, Pennsylvania, USA
    • 지퍼 17320
    • 전화 1-717-6428013
    • 팩스 1-717-6425555
    • 모바일 1-3014719228