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Mantri Corporation

  • 사업 유형:  Distributors/Wholesalers
  • 확립 된 년:   1984
  • 직원 수:   6-10
  • 웹 사이트:   www.mantricorporation.com
  • India [회원 가입일  2010]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

  • Mantri Corporation is an industrial unit with a difference. We are just as one of you and thus understand the best of what your needs are and how are they to be met We induce all direct and indirect methods to reduce the cost and provide you with the world class services at minimum costs. An enterprise known since decades for its valuable contribution in the field of Gems & Jewellery. We appreciate with your presence on our web and look forward always to satisfy your purpose of visiting us. Mantri Corporation is an enterprise diversified into various business activities not only related to Gems & Jewellery but also in the fields of Garments, Handicrafts and Equity Research & Investments. Covering a wide varied range of business, the company is always dedicated to meet its customer`s requirement in an efficient, economical and less time consuming manner. With an easy approach to the management and directors the company has always been on an advantage over its peers as it gives clients a direct quick action towards there queries and problems. We wish to cater to you with a difference over others. Inducing all direct measures right from purchasing of raw material from direct sources to exporting them is all done under the strict surveillance of senior management and hence all necessary perquisites to cover costs are imposed so as ¢Quality at Affordable Prices¢ is stapled with our name. Our cost control measures envisage us to capture all Pros and Cons in the industry. ¢We value your worth¢. Mantri Corporation has always focused on developing, maintaining and growing the relationship at every step with its customers. ƒ Streamlined sales, Improved Services, Loyalty and Continuity are in the veins of every individual enrolled on the list of Mantri Corporation.
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. Gavrav Mantri (Director)
    • 회사  Mantri Corporation
    • 주소 
      Tripolia Bazar, Rajasthan, India
    • 지퍼 302003
    • 전화 91-141-2572295
    • 팩스 91-141-2572295
    • 모바일 91-9828181722