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Manakara Naturduenger Andreas Kummer E.k.

  • 사업 유형:  Exporters
  • 확립 된 년:   2008
  • 직원 수:   1-5
  • Germany [회원 가입일  2008]
  • 트러스트 포인트: 0

기업 정보

    We are Manakara Naturduenger Andreas Kummer e.K. based in Grimma , Germany. We are member of Tradekey.com since January, 2008. Our business is related to Agriculture industry and we specifically deal in Horse manure, Straw pellets. Please find our product details below: Horse manure Manakara Basic Manure, compact type The product is patent-registered !!! Manakara Basic Manure – compact type – is a natural soil additive und the environment-friendly organic manure for your garden. It is produced of a certain mixture of mixed horse dung and horse droppings, which has been adapted to the basic need of the soil for natural ingredients and micro-organisms. It does not include additives and is of low concentration. NPK - 2-1-2 -supports soil biology and so the nutrient conversion in the soil -purely biological product -protects against drying-out -strong ground loosening due to swelling behavior -improves water and nitrogen supply of the ground -includes important nutrients -heat generator in cold frame packages -easy and simple processing -smooth nutrient supply -odour-free Bag-size: 4kg,25kg,Big-Bag Horse manure Manakara Basic Manure, compact type The product is patent-registered !!! Manakara Basic Manure – compact type – is a natural soil additive und the environment-friendly organic manure for your garden. It is produced of a certain mixture of mixed horse dung and horse droppings, which has been adapted to the basic need of the soil for natural ingredients and micro-organisms. It does not include additives and is of low concentration. NPK - 2-1-2 -supports soil biology and so the nutrient conversion in the soil -purely biological product -protects against drying-out -strong ground loosening due to swelling behavior -improves water and nitrogen supply of the ground -includes important nutrients -heat generator in cold frame packages -easy and simple processing -smooth nutrient supply -odour-free Bag-size: 4kg,25kg,Big-Bag Thank you for taking the time to go through our business profile. If there are any question, inquiry or comments, please feel free to contact us.
  • 연락처 정보

    • 컨택 담당자  Mr. Michael Stein (Manager)
    • 회사  Manakara Naturduenger Andreas Kummer e.K.
    • 주소 
      Bahnhofstrasse 13, Sachsen, Germany
    • 지퍼 04668
    • 전화 49-03437-760794
    • 팩스 49-03437-943689
    • 모바일 0160-7134404
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