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Lambda Cyhalothrin

Lambda Cyhalothrin

  • 화학 이름: (Z) - (1R) - cisS: (Z) - (1S) - cisR 1: 1 SF: (Z) - (1R) - cisS: (Z) - (1S) - cisR 1: 1개의 혼합물 실험 공식: C23H19ClF3NO3 MW: 449.86 MP: 49.2 증기압: 2.6710-10 Pa (20) 외관: 백색 밝은 노란색 가루 단단한 사용법: 접촉 살해,...  좀더 보여줄
살충제, 살균제, 제초제, Agrochemicals

살충제, 살균제, 제초제, Agrochemicals

  • (부분) 우리의 제품 명부: ----------------------------- 살충제: --------------- 1.Fipronil-2.5% 적능력, 5% 적능력 & 4.95% SC 2.Thiomethoxam-25% WDG 3.Deltamethrin-2.5% 적능력, 11% 적능력 & 2.4% SC 4.Alphacypermethr...  좀더 보여줄
abamectin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, deltamethrin, lambda cyhalothrin

abamectin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, deltamethrin, lambda cyhalothrin

  • abamectin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, deltamethrin, lambda cyhalothrin, tribenuron 메틸, metsulfuron 메틸, rimsulfuron, etc.  좀더 보여줄
P-chlorophenyl isocyanate,Butyl-isocyanate Cyclohexyl isocyanate

P-chlorophenyl isocyanate,Butyl-isocyanate Cyclohexyl isocyanate

  • p-Chlorophenyl isocyanate Name: p-Chlorophenyl isocyanate Molecular Formula: C7H4NOCL structure: Molecular Weight: 153.57 CAS No:104-12-1 property:Colourless clear liquid .There are stiumlant smell...  좀더 보여줄